Blog Archives

Who am I?

Its easy to quit but it take heart, passion & determination to overcome adversity. Life is a series of test; you MUST test yourself everyday.

Remember emotional & physical pain is your your body letting you know your still ALIVE! Take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask…Who am I? What am I about?  Am I going to lay down and die or am I gonna get after it!

4 Bodyweight Movements

Boxing 101: Jab, Cross Combination (aka:1-2 punch)

Boxing 101: Jab, Cross Combination (aka:1-2 punch)

Now that I showed you how to throw a jab and cross here’s a a basic boxing 101: jab, cross combination (aka: 1-2 punch) Check out the video:

If you have any questions or comments about boxing 101: jab, cross combination (aka: 1-2 punch) or Urban Boxing Bootcamp please contact me via email or post a comment.

If you like the video please feel free to “like” it.

Boxing 101: The Cross

Today’s boxing 101 lesson is the cross. This punch is great when you set it up properly but first lets take a look on how to throw the cross correctly.

If you have any questions or comments about boxing or Urban Boxing Bootcamp please contact me via email or post a comment.

Mariah Carey Sexy Secret Leg Exercise

Mariah Carey’s legs are so valuable they are insured for 1 billion dollars! Watch the video below!

Why Not Train Like The Best!

Why not train like the best! Make a commitment to yourself to accomplish that which is attainable you’ll feel and look better.

In life humans aren’t really that unpredictable they usually fall into 2 catagories:

1. The should’ve, could’ve people: You know those people all they do is spend their time making excuses “If it wasn’t for my job” or “I don’t have enough time in the day” I often wonder what would happen if these same people would receive money everytime they would workout I’m pretty sure they would make time.

Then theres…

2. The take action people: These are the ones who get things done! These kind of people know what they want and go after it. They get comfortable with being uncomfortable and make the commitment to improve their situation.

So when you take a moment to reflect ask yourself, what kind of person are you?

What Motivates You?

Wonder Women: On A Mission

Hey what’s up everybody I wanted to take a moment to talk about a women who has a full-time job and a  mother of 3 children. When I met Rachel she said that she had not worked out in years and was on a mission to look and feel great for her sister’s wedding. My first impression of Rachel was of Wonder Women because here is a person who is focused, determined and aggressive in obtaining her goal, despite the fact that her time is limited.

On our first session you could visibly see her concern on how she would handle her 1st day of training.  But after her session she realized that it was challenging but not impossible.

Many of us often feel the “golden ring” is out of our grasp, that time has past us by but I’m here to tell you…IT’S NEVER TO LATE!

Rachel is a clear example.  My hats off to you…Wonder Women!

Below is an email she sent me on her experience at the wedding that I would like to share with everyone.

Hi Coach H,

I wanted to email you to say how happy I am with the bootcamp. I will
be starting my third one and I have gone down 2 dress sizes and lost
body fat. I have also increased my strength and feel great now that I
have more energy. I was only able to do 2 push ups when I started and
this morning I did 15 which is a great accomplishment. When I started
the bootcamp my main focus was to loose weight for my sister’s
destination wedding in Punta Cana and I sure did. It was a nice feeling
when I saw family/friends and they noticed how much weight I have lost.
I’m going to continue to do the bootcamps as I know I could loose a lot
more. You are a great coach and I’m excited to continue.

Thanks again!

Rachel Morejon
Associate Business Analyst
Investment Services

Nike:Shout Out To All The Females

Get Your FREE Audio Report: How To Pick The Right Bootcamp

We created this Urban Boxing Bootcamp FREE audio report on “How to pick the right bootcamp”, so you can download it onto your MP3 player. That way you wont miss any suggestions we provide you when your shopping aroung for a bootcamp.

If you have any questions or comments please send me an email or post.

Click here to listen…